By: Sybil Skinner
Do you have gas and bloating, brain fog, fatigue, sugar cravings, nail fungus, athlete’s foot or jock itch? If you have answered yes to these questions you may need to learn more about Candida Albicans.
Candida Albicans is yeast found in the human body. It is one of many types of microorganisms normally found in the human digestive system. In a healthy digestive system, there is approximately one yeast cell for every one million bacteria cells. In this small ratio, yeast is constantly fighting to survive. Unfortunately this ratio can become unbalanced, and candida can grow quickly and significantly in numbers causing many negative health effects to occur.
Consuming high amounts of processed foods is a smorgasbord to yeast. Candida thrives and feeds on sugars and refined carbohydrates…ie…breads, junk foods, pasta, and processed fruit juices. The more yeast grows in the body the less good bacteria can grow creating an imbalance and nutritional deficiencies.
Incomplete digestion caused by enzyme and hydrochloric acid deficiencies also contributed to Candida overgrowth. Food that has not been properly digested will ferment and rot in the digestive tract. This decaying food is perfect for yeast and harmful bacteria to grow on.
The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a common cause of candida overgrowth. Antibiotics used to kill bad bacteria, unfortunately do not attack and kill just the bad but will also kill good bacteria, leaving a clear path for yeast. Since antibiotics do not kill Candida, it has a golden opportunity to grow and multiply in an environment that is virtually free of its gatekeeper, good bacteria.
The entire digestive tract is lined with a mucus membrane that protects its delicate tissues and serves as a critical barrier. The mucus barrier keeps partially digested food and harmful microorganisms in the intestines for proper removal and breakdown, rather than absorption into the bloodstream and circulation throughout the body. Candida overgrowth damages the digestive tract and sets in motion autointoxication, the process where the body polluted itself.
As Candida grows and multiplies, it changes into a fungal form that grows roots and secreted acids. The roots, with the help of the acids, puncture the mucus lining of the digestive tract. This condition is referred to as intestinal permeability or “leaky gut syndrome”. With the barrier now penetrated, any digestive contents small enough to fit through the hole can travel into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The digestive contents that can leak through the barrier into the bloodstream include bacteria, yeast, undigested food particles, toxins and fecal material. This is why Candida can make you feel sick.
To eliminate Candida overgrowth:
Cleanse your system with herbs that reduce Candida in the digestive system and in the body.
Re-establish the balance of good bacteria by taking probiotics.
Change the diet. Eliminate or avoid foods that feed or encourage yeast growth (refined carbohydrates, fruit juices, alcohol, coffee, and caffeine beverages.)